Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Madsen inspects Madoff-invested charity

Wayne Madsen:
Madoff's investors listed.One is of interest: "Chais Family Foundation, a charity that gives away about $12.5 million annually to Jewish causes, the California-based charity group invested entirely with Madoff, and was forced to shut down operations on Sunday after years of donating some $12.5 million annually to Jewish causes in Israel and Eastern Europe." Jewish, Eastern Europe, Israel, and a sudden operational shut down? WMR found an interesting link: Chais donated to an entity called the Washington Institute in McLean, Virginia, which also received funding from the Monterey Fund of Brooklyn, NY, which lists its address as BEAR STEARNS & CO., 1 METROTECH CENTERN 9TH FL., BROOKLYN, NY 11201-3831. Chais was active in marshaling support for Israel among 18-25 year old Jews in the former Soviet Union (also recruitment for Israeli syndicate and Mossad activities, perhaps?) and fighting pro-Palestinian and pro-Iranian attitudes on U.S. college campuses. In other words, Chais was engaged in blatant political activities disguised as 501(c)3 "educational purposes." Recipients of Chais funds also attacked former President Jimmy Carter, as well as Professors Mearsheimer and Walt over their book "The Israel Lobby." There is a Chais Family Auditorium at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv, is the headquarters for the Mossad.

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