Saturday, March 29, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I haven't blogged lately. I've been busy.

1) Music: Played a week ago Thursday at Kelley's in Napa with Tom Overton, and then on Easter at the new Compadres in Napa with Johnny Smith.

I played the annual "O California" and "Sea to Shining Sea" shows with kids from all over Napa.

Also I've been helping a local singer get her CD recorded. And I've met some new musicians who may be lots of fun to play with. Life is getting interesting.

And tonight, in one of the most amazing gigs I've ever had, I played for a guy to propose to his girlfriend.

2) Murals: Finally got the go-ahead to start on a Redwoods Mural at Silverado Middle School in Napa. I was first contacted so long ago that I thought I could finish it before Christmas. But I didn't get to start until March 15. Here's how it's going:

This is the long side of the mural (it's on two walls that meet at a corner):

and around the corner to the right is the street side, which goes up higher:

I'd worried about having to get some long ladder to do the top of this one, but then I discovered the wonder of extension poles and painting pads and foam rollers. Painted everything from the sky up from the ground. A lot of fun, actually.

As if all that wasn't enough, last weekend I met a very talented muralist who asked me to help him with some projects. Could turn out to be a wonderful collaboration. I sure hope so.

I'm so happy to be busy doing the things I love. What a lucky guy I am.

Just my luck everything starts going great and the country falls into a massive economic depression. I hope not. . .

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