Christmas in Boston

For the first time in remembered history, I spent Christmas away from the tropical San Francisco Bay Area. Bonnie and I flew to Boston (and boy were our arms tired!) Since I had a real ticket, and she had a stand-by buddy pass from her pilot son, I got to Boston a full day before she did. I had the dubious honor of getting the rental car at midnite and then plowing steadfastly through unknown freeways and streets, through intersections lined with last week's snow drifts, to find Bonnie's daughter, Nina, waiting at her place in Medford, Mass. I only had to stop once and get out the directions and puzzle it out.
We had a wonderful time the next day watching Nina's Battlestar Gallactica Mini-marathon. I'd never seen the new show, and it's one of her favorites, so we vegged out and enjoyed it.
Bonnie showed up at Logan airport that night, in the midst of a midnite traffic jam. Three jets full of folk arriving almost at once, each person with someone in a car coming to get them.
The next few days were filled with books, DVDs, sightseeing, Christmas tree cutting and decorating, Chinese food, more sightseeing, visiting friends, and general lethargy. The dry air, or something, produced a mild cold in my nose. I grew to hate the bright yellow Chevy Cobalt rental car. I drove way way too much. Bonnie and I went all the way to the end of Cape Cod with an old old friend of hers who lives in Sandwich. Who'd have even known there was a Sandwich to live in? What a concept.
We both returned to the west coast yesterday, not quite on the same plane, but close enough that we both ended up being picked up by her mom -- me in downtown San Francisco where I ended up (after taking BART (the SF version of a subway) and then failing badly at navigating the town by bus) and Bonnie at the airport. We got back to Petaluma last night, and are nearly back to what passes for normal today.
Look! It's a stereo picture, looking out the jet window! Try to superimpose the two images into a composite image in the center. See? It's 3D!

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