Why does this sound familiar...?

Khaleej Times Online - Israel warns it will hit 10 buildings for every rocket fired:
"JERUSALEM - The Israeli air force is under orders to blast 10 buildings in south Beirut, a Hezbollah stronghold, for every rocket the Shiite militant group fires at the Israeli port of Haifa, army radio said Monday.Oh, yeah. Now I remember. There was this bombing in Rome. Italian Communists blew up some Nazis, killing 33 of them.
“Army chief of staff Dan Halutz has given the order to the air force to destroy 10 multi-storey buildings in the Dahaya district (of Beirut) in response to every rocket fired on Haifa,” a senior air force officer told the station."
Hitler's reaction? Kill 10 Italians for each dead Nazi.
WILLIAMS: The Germans were furious. Hitler ordered retribution, a policy clearly understood before the bomb.Erik lives in an apartment which is his prison as a war criminal.
GIOVANNI ZUCHARETTI: All over Rome and the Vatican, the German put posters saying Achtung for each German soldier, they would kill ten Italians. They have provoked the death of 333 people.
WILLIAMS: When the bombers refused German demands to give themselves up, the reprisal list was compiled. The first names were fellow Italian resistance fighters, held by the SS at their notorious Via Tasso prison. Next, petty criminals from the local gaol but the Germans were still short. The final seventy five chosen simply because they were Jews. The list was completed. Ten Italians for every German plus another five for good measure. The men and boys were taken in small groups through the winding caves. There they were confronted by the bodies of those who’d just been killed and had to wait their turn for a single shot to the neck. A young SS captain was ticking the prisoners’ names off the list as they were slaughtered and took his turn shooting two himself – his name, Eric Priebke.
WILLIAMS: The killing continued for hours. After the last shot was fired, 335 Italians lay dead. The entrance to the caves was dynamited to hide the evidence. Hitler’s reprisal was complete.
ERIC PRIEBKE: If I would have refused it, they would have shot me but the reprisal would go on just the same you see.
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