Monday, October 31, 2005

White House Documents

Ok. Here's something concrete to do. Go to Ted Kennedy's website and sign the petition demanding that the White House release all the documents that the Senate asked for and didn't get before the Iraq war.

Do it now.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Ever wonder where all those explosives for those Iraqi IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) comes from? Turns out, it's from the same place as those acronyms (an IED is just a bomb, but sounds so much more impressive...)—US administration stupidity.

If I were more of a conspiracy kind of guy, I might tend to think that a great way to justify building and occupying scads of mammoth US military bases in Iraq might be to create a mammoth threat to our forces there. And what better way than to intentionally let this sort of thing happen?

Remember. The only places in Iraq that were secured were those related to oil. Not the country's infrastructure. Not the country's security. And not even the country's arms caches.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

A Tiny Revolution

I find myself more and more checking in first thing with A Tiny Revolution, both because Jonathan Schwarz is a darned funny and insightful writer, and because the link to it is front and center in my browser's menu bar. Today's post finds him veturing into the Editors at the territory, with a delightful little graphic photo-cartoon strip about Judy Miller's return to the NY Times.

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