So little time, so much stuff
Post Thanksgiving. So much going on. Weeks hurtle past like minutes, while minutes only show up once or twice a day, usually on the front of the microwave. Seconds are only myths. Hours are things that I try to sleep as many of as possible.
Weeks are things that take the place of days in the old reckoning. The weekly Jessel things fly past like telephone poles on a road trip. Rain happens, then the next thing I know it's beautiful and clear and the only sign that rain happened is telltale puddles on the ground. Was that rain last night, or last week? Or was that another, different rain? Who can tell? Who can remember?
I've splurged on two (Count 'em, two!) trips to Yoshi's (an Oakland jazz club) in the last few weeks, a place I hadn't been in probably a decade. Such fun. Live music, world class musicians, not earsplitting, nice people. Such fun. Tuck and Patti last night. Rhiannan a few weeks back. Both times with Mary Jenson, my music partner. Last night her husband Scott and my best and only girl Bonnie went along. Good food, confused service, and a psychotic GPS travel system. Following the mechanical lady in the dashboard, we were steered away from any freeway home, and shunted onto a local artery. When I saw that it had planned for us to go 18 miles on San Pablo Avenue I knew it was time to rely on our own selves.
The trust business creeps along. The household of my folks, 50+ years of accumulated material objects, is now being appraised. Some of the trust has been distributed, a smattering, really, but enough to give me something to run on. My accountant (I never thought I'd need an accountant, but, there she is) says it won't be finished until she has the tax stuff to complete my mom's 2005 tax, and the tax stuff won't arrive until the end of January 2006, so there are still months of fun ahead.
I actually got a real live art commission from the Sharpsteen Museum Auxillary. One of the original ladies in the Auxillary is moving to the east coast, and I've painted the museum as a going away present. Let me see if there's a picture of it somewhere...ah, here it is...